
Grammar for Xoom Processor, written in EBNF notation and presented as a railroad diagram.

Click for more information on Extended Backus-Naur From (EBNF) notation, and railroad diagrams.

Command  ::= 'xp' Options Source ( Subsequence | Operation | XmlFormat )*
Options  ::= ( '--describe' | '-d' )? '--enable-set'? ( '-v' n )? ( '--comparer-config' ComparerFileName )?
           | ( '--help' | '-h' )?
Source   ::= ServerName? ':' Query?
           | XmlFile
           | XoomFolder '\'
         ::= '(' ( Subsequence | Operation | XmlFormat )+ ')'
         ::= Output
           | Deploy
           | CustomCommand
           | Transform
           | Combine
Output   ::= '@'
           | TargetFileName
           | TargetXoomFolder '\'
Deploy   ::= ServerName? ':'
         ::= ServerName? ( '::SendSxp' | '::GetCustomQuery' )
         ::= ( '#' | '%' ) ( '=:' ParameterName '=' ParameterValue )* XsltFile
Combine  ::= ( '+' | '*+' | '+*' | '+!' | '-' ) Source
         ::= '[:' XmlOptionList ':]'
         ::= XmlOption ( ',' XmlOptionList )*
         ::= C14N
           | Indent
           | OmitDecl
           | 'default'
C14N     ::= ( '+' | '-' )? 'c14n' 'rf'?
Indent   ::= 'indent=' [0-9]+ ( 's' | 't' )
OmitDecl ::= '-'? ( 'OmitXmlDeclaration' | 'omitdecl' )
MaxItemsInDir ::= 'MaxItemsInDir=' [0-9]+

Railroad diagram for grammar entity Command in Xoom Processor.

Railroad diagram for grammar entity Options in Xoom Processor.

Railroad diagram for grammar entity Source in Xoom Processor.

Railroad diagram for grammar entity Subsequence in Xoom Processor.

Railroad diagram for grammar entity Operation in Xoom Processor.

Railroad diagram for grammar entity Output in Xoom Processor.

Railroad diagram for grammar entity Deploy in Xoom Processor.

Railroad diagram for grammar entity CustomCommand in Xoom Processor.

Railroad diagram for grammar entity Transform in Xoom Processor.

Railroad diagram for grammar entity Combine in Xoom Processor.

Railroad diagram for grammar entity XmlFormat.

Railroad diagram for grammar entity XmlOptionList in Xoom Processor.

Railroad diagram for grammar entity XmlOption in Xoom Processor.

Railroad diagram for grammar entity C14N in Xoom Processor.

Railroad diagram for grammar entity Indent in Xoom Processor.

Railroad diagram for grammar entity OmitDecl in Xoom Processor.

Railroad diagram for grammar entity MaxItemsInDir in Xoom Processor.