Configure Xoom in preparation for configuration versioning / Configure a Xoom query with the <XoomQueries> element |
Here we have two <XoomQuery> elements, both using the <Source> element. The first retrieves the DEFAULT named query from localhost, removes sensitive and dynamic data, then stores the results as a Xoom folder, with a file-per-item structure, called MyStoredConfig\. Rather than retrieving the DEFAULT named query again, the second <XoomQuery> retrieves the Xoom folder that has just been saved, <Source>C:\Xoom\GitRepo\MyStoredConfig\</Source>, transforms it with the BGOReport.xsl report, and saves the results as BGO.html.
<XoomQuery> <Source>:DEFAULT</Source> <Transform>Reports\RemoveSensitiveInformation.xsl</Transform> <Transform>Reports\RemoveTransactionalInformation.xsl</Transform> <Path>MyStoredConfig\</Path> </XoomQuery> <XoomQuery> <Source>C:\Xoom\GitRepo\MyStoredConfig\</Source> <Transform>Reports\BGOReport.xsl</Transform> <Path>BGO.html</Path> </XoomQuery>