References Report

The References Report shows all items that reference, or are referenced by, other items, and lists those references.

The report generates HTML.

References Report
The report shows:
Items are sorted by Xoom identity.
The item's dependents, including:
The number of dependents.
The dependent items, sorted by their Xoom identity.
The item's dependencies, including:
The number of dependencies.
The item's dependencies, sorted by their Xoom identity.

Sometimes items in a configuration have multiple identities, such as when Settings also belong to a subset type. Items with multiple identities appear in the list as many times as they have identities, such that they can be found alphabetically in every instance. At each appearance in the list, every identity is given. For example, Setting[[Application]|Background Optimization|Day BGO - 519|] is also a member of a Background Optimization subset type with identity Background Optimization [Day BGO - 519]. It therefore appears twice in the list, first under Background Optimization and secondly under Setting.

Example of an item with a multiple identity, as it appears first

Example of an item with a multiple identity, as it appears second

Every dependent or dependency identity is a link. Use this feature, together with the browser's forward and back controls, to explore the references in configuration. In the following example we can see that District[Drummondville] (highlighted in blue) depends on Setting[[Application]|Decomposition|District DueDate-ERR Quebec|] (in red).

References are links

Click the District[Drummondville] to view its dependencies and dependents:
The results of clicking a reference

The relationship between the two items is still shown only now District[Drummondville] is the 'anchor' item and we can see that it depends on Setting[[Application]|Decomposition|District DueDate-ERR Quebec|].