Types and items

Items are the smallest addressable units of configuration, which is to say they can be assigned an environment-independent Xoom identity. Types are a categorisation used by Xoom to distinguish between different kinds of items. A type has a name and defines a set of keys. It is sometimes convenient to assign items to more than one type.

These concepts are most easily understood by looking at XoomXML. In the following example we see an item named _Pre-SOT - Match Skills, highlighted in green. Its type is Rule, highlighted in red. In practice, this type will contain many more items than are shown. The Rule type defines only one key-value, which is Name.
Example of an item of type Rule

In the second example we see an item named Create an object, highlighted in green. Its type is Setting, highlighted in red. In practice, this type contains many more items than are shown.The Setting type defines four key-values, which are Owner|Category|Subcategory|Name.

Example of an item of type Setting