Items view context menu

The Items view pane has a context menu that provides quick access to a number of options.

Items View context menu
Right-click on an item in the Items view pane to open a context menu.
View Differences
Shows the differences between the item in XoomXML and in live configuration. Differences are shown in a diff viewer window. Alternatively, select an item and press Return. This operation is always available so that users can see the content of an item. However, the comparison is only meaningful for items that already exist in the database.
View differences between an item in XoomXML and live configuration
Deploys just the selected item. If the item has dependencies or bad references, dialog boxes appear, asking if you want to continue. Deploying items without their dependencies will introduce bad references.
Removes the selected item from the items list. This is useful when you only wish to deploy one or a few items. Once removed, the item is no longer considered for deployment. If the item has dependents, a dialog provides a list and asks if you want to remove these as well. Removing items without also removing their dependents will introduce bad references if the XoomXML is deployed. To undo a remove, reload the XoomXML file.
The remove dependencies window opens
Show dependents
Opens dialog box listing dependents of the selected items, together with their dependencies and dependents. This has the same columns as the Items view pane, so shows second level dependencies. Select any number of listed items.
The Dependent Items window opens
Show Dependencies
Open dialog box listing dependencies of the selected items, together with their dependencies and dependents. Has the same columns as the Items view pane. Select any number of listed items.
The Dependencies window opens