Xoom Processor takes various global options that can be used to control and modify its

Options ::= ( '--describe' | '-d' )? '--enable-set'? ( '-v' n )? ( '--comparer-config' ComparerFileName )?
| ( '--help' | '-h' )?
The available options are:
- --describe or -d. Outputs to the console a description of
what the current command will do, without actually executing any operations. Use this option as
a safety check to verify that the command will do what you actually intended, and avoid
potentially damaging mistakes.
- --enable-set. To prevent unintentional deployment, Xoom Processor requires
deployment of configuration to be explicitly enabled using this option.
Without it, Xoom Processor will issue a warning and skip the deployment.
- -vn. Specifies the verbosity level of the output to
the standard error stream (stderr). n takes the following values:
- 0: silent.
- 1: errors and warnings. This is the default.
- 2-4: further levels of increasingly more detailed trace information.
- --comparer-config ComparerFile.xml. This
option requires a file, in this example ComparerFile.xml. In the
context of configuration comparison, this file instructs Xoom which items to
ignore and which parameters can be considered irrelevant or order-independent. By default
Xoom Processor will use a built-in comparer configuration, which, for example, specifies that
Collection IDs and Object keys can be ignored for Service Optimization items, and that the
order in which rule types are defined doesn't matter. Using this option requires a high degree
of specialist knowledge. We recommend that you contact your Xoom support provider before
using it in a production setting.
- --help or -h . Outputs to the console a summary of the syntax
for Xoom Processor, together with a summary of the available options.
Using the describe option
xp -d : default.xml % t1.xsl % t2.xsl default-t1-t2.xml
Produces the following description without actually running the operations:
Get from query 'DEFAULT' on server 'localhost'
Write to file 'default.xml'
Transform using XSL stylesheet from file 't1.xsl'
Transform using XSL stylesheet from file 't2.xsl'
Write to file 'default-t1-t2.xml'
Deploying a configuration patch to two
Xoom servers
xp --enable-set patch.xml ( server1: response1.xml ) ( server2: response2.xml )
This command deploys XoomXML in the file patch.xml to two live
Xoom servers: server1 and server2. After each deployment, the response is saved as
response1.xml and response2.xml respectively. At the end of each
subsequence the inner buffer containing the Xoom response is discarded,
and the outer buffer with the initial source document, in this case
patch.xml, becomes the buffer that is fed into further operations
or subsequences.