Extract Mobile Web Template Events For Xoom Set

The Extract Mobile Web Template Events For Xoom Set transformation takes a specified ClickMobile web client template from the source configuration (parameter FromTemplate), and copies the specified events definitions (parameter EventNames) to a number of other specified templates (parameter ToTemplates).

Results of applying the ExtractMobileWebTemplateEventsForXoomSet transformation

The identity of every User Setting is given (highlighted in red), and the various parameters of that setting are contained within xoom:set elements (highlighted in blue).


The parameters are defined in ExtractMobileWebTemplateEventsForXoomSet.xsl, typically located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Zany Ants\Xoom\Reports.

 <!-- FromTemplate: The template from which the events will be taken. -->
  <xsl:param name="FromTemplate">Contractors</xsl:param>
  <!-- ToTemplates: The templates to which the events will be copied. Template names should be separated by double bar characters - ||. -->
  <xsl:param name="ToTemplates">Dispatcher||Help Desk||MDF Dispatcher||Super Dispatcher</xsl:param>
  <!-- EventNames: The events that should be copied. Event names should be separated by double bar characters - ||. -->
  <xsl:param name="EventNames">SyncDictionaries||ActivationLLU||Offline Notes||TechnicalDetails</xsl:param>


To edit the parameters, open the file in a text editor, make changes, being sure to adhere to the specified format, and save the file in the same folder.