Example: retrieving Xoom report files

In the following example, we have defined a query that can be used to retrieve all report and transformations files from the Xoom folder. Note the content-storage="embedded" attribute.

<xpi:query name="Xoom Report Files">
    <File base-directory="? ${Xoom.InstallDirectory} + '/Reports'"
          filter="*.xsl" content-storage="embedded"/>
Here is an extract from the resulting XoomXML:
    <File xoom:id="File[? ${Xoom.InstallDirectory} + '/Reports'|ActiveScheduleAgentsReport.xsl]">
      <BaseDirectory>? ${Xoom.InstallDirectory} + '/Reports'</BaseDirectory>
      <LocalPath>C:\Program Files (x86)\Zany Ants\Xoom\Reports\ActiveScheduleAgentsReport.xsl</LocalPath>
      <Checksum algorithm="sha1">54be55671ccf4eda59d01d7fc9085b22987da28e</Checksum>
      <Version />
      <Content encoding="x-gzip64">H4sIAAAAAAAEAN1ZW2…</Content>

In addition to file information, there is an additional Content element that contains the zipped and embedded file information. The encoding attribute specifies the compression algorithm used, in this case x-gzip64.