Xoom Reporting lets you extract and compile useful information from XoomXML. The results
are displayed in concise, easy-to-read tables and charts.
Xoom Reporting you can, for example:
Xoom Reporting produces two kinds of output. 'Reports' generate tables and summaries, typically in
HTML, for human consumption. 'Transformations' create XML, typically but not exclusively
XoomXML, for further processing. Both extract information from
XoomXML using
eXtensible Stylesheet
Language (XSL) transformations. The XSL files are located in the
reports folder inside the Xoom folder, typically
C:\Program Files (x86)\Zany Ants\Xoom\Reports C:\Program Files (x86)\Zany
Xoom Reporting is accessed with Xoom Explorer and Xoom Processor, though the transformations that don't produce either
XML or HTML can only be executed using Xoom Processor (an example of this is the
SchemeCustomisationsSummary.xsl, which produces a CSV file).