Xoom 3.4

This release contains significant improvements in the coverage of recent Service Optimization features such as user-friendly coverage of generic events and generic status flows, as well as other functional and stability improvements and bug fixes.

Service Optimization feature coverage

Improvements and important functional changes

New parameters

Introduced new parameters that allow configuration files that are Xoom-version sensitive (for example, for controlled backwards compatibility). These new parameters are:

Table 1. Xoom parameters: ProductInfo
Parameter name Description Xoom release
ProductInfo.Product Xoom. 3.4
ProductInfo.Version Three number Xoom version (major. minor. build number), example: 3.4.3246. 3.4
ProductInfo.CosmeticVersion A user-friendly version, the same as that used on release announcements. 3.4
ProductInfo.Configuration Specifies whether the build has been compiled using Debug or Release configuration. 3.4
ProductInfo.BuildType Release, HotFix, Release Candidate, Beta, Alpha, Development. 3.4

Bug fixes