Xoom Reset Helper is a command line tool generating the artefacts that allow
configuration to be reset to a baseline.
Syntax is as follows:
XoomResetHelper.cmd <current.xml> <baseline.xml> [diff.xml] [sxp.xml] [report.html]
The first parameter,
current.xml, is required: it should be a
XoomXML file
representing the current
configuration of the target system. The second parameter,
baseline.xml, is also required: it should be a
XoomXML file containing the
baseline configuration to which the target system will be reset. The command
generates three files, the naming of which is optional. They default to the following:
- diff.xml – a XoomXML file containing items that are missing from,
or have been modified in, current.xml. This file should subsequently be
deployed to the target system.
- sxp.xml – an SXP file, containing instructions to delete extraneous
items from the target configuration. This SXP file should subsequently
be deployed to the target server using Xoom Processor and its Send SXP custom command. Extraneous items are
those that exist in current.xml but not baseline.xml. For more details
on how the SXP message is generated, see the CreateRemoveSXPForNonOpItems.xml report.
- report.html – a report summarising every difference in current.xml
with respect to baseline.xml.
The order in which diff.xml and sxp.xml are deployed does not
matter, though we recommend you thoroughly scrutinise the report.html beforehand to
make sure all changes are desired.