This major release brings significant functional and performance improvements, and a
host of new features, in particular targeting more selective transport and deployment
control in Service Optimization environments.
Xoom client tools
We have changed our terminology in order to make it clearer and bring it in line with the
documentation. Terms such as import and export, which were ambiguous (e.g. does import means
import from file to a tool, or from tool to the
managed system?), have been replaced
by the following, more clearly defined, terms:
Transformation drop-down in
Xoom Explorer has doubled in width to
transformations with very long names.
File handling
File handling capabilities have been significantly revamped and enhanced. A number of elements
describing the file have been renamed for clarity. For example, what used to be:
<File xoom:id="File[${Product.W6.BinDirectory}|W6Bindings.dll]">
<FullPath>C:\Program Files (x86)\ClickSoftware\Service Optimization\bin\W6Bindings.dll</FullPath>
<LastModificationDate>2014-07-29 20:16:20</LastModificationDate>
<Version>BUILD_8.1.10.9581 - 8.1.10 Patch 007</Version>
now becomes
<File xoom:id="File[? ${Product.W6.BinDirectory}|W6Bindings.dll]">
<BaseDirectory>? ${Product.W6.BinDirectory}</BaseDirectory>
<LocalPath>C:\Program Files (x86)\ClickSoftware\Service Optimization\bin\W6Bindings.dll</LocalPath>
<Checksum algorithm="sha1">dc586c7948bd8877d69f40dbde7350e98e837d7b</Checksum>
<Version>BUILD_8.1.10.9581 - 8.1.10 Patch 007</Version>
The differences are subtle, but some of them are quite important:
- The LocalPath element previously indicated the relative
path from the base directory specified in the Path element.
This was quite confusing. In response, RelativePath and
BaseDirectory are now used instead.
- The content of BaseDirectory now starts with "?
" (question mark followed by space). This is to make it explicit that the content
of the element is a ZanyScript expression, not a literal string. Previously, this was only
implied, making it harder to know when to put literal strings in quotes.
- FullPath, which indicated a full file path on the local
file system, has been replaced with LocalPath, which is
more descriptive of that information.
- LastModificationDate has been replaced by CreationTime and LastWriteTime, both of which are now expressed in an ISO format instead of localised format that was subject to
- MD5 element is now replaced by Checksum element that explicitly notes the algorithm used, in this case SHA1.
The expressiveness of file
queries has also been improved. The two predefined
queries have now been moved to
XoomCustom.xml, and are now defined like
<xpi:query name="Service Optimization Files Info">
<File base-directory="? ${Product.W6.BinDirectory}" filter="*.dll;*.exe"/>
<File base-directory="? ${Product.W6.RootDirectory} + '/Web'" recursive="true" exclude-path="/Log"/>
<xpi:query name="Xoom Files Info">
<File base-directory="? ${Xoom.InstallDirectory}" recursive="true" exclude-path="/XoomLog;/XoomTemp;/XoomTrace"/>
<File base-directory="? ${Product.W6.Xoom.PluginDirectory}" recursive="true" exclude-path="/XoomTrace"/>
There is now an explicit distinction between structural filtering (for example, by specifying
a relative path element under the query) and explicit querying as demonstrated
here. Attributes are used to define the parameters for explicit queries, such as:
base-directory, filter,
recursive and exclude-path, above. Previously, the situation was much less defined, and it wasn’t
clear which bits were used as queries and which as structural filters.
The expressive capabilities are now also much greater. Most importantly, we are now able to
exclude the file paths that are not interesting, such as logging and temporary directories.
We have also introduced the capability to transport files between systems. This is achieved by
specifying the attribute
content-storage="embedded". For
example, here we define a
query that can be used to copy
custom JavaScript files:
<xpi:query name="ClickMobile JavaScript Files">
<File base-directory="? ${Product.W6.RootDirectory} + '/Web/ClickMobileWeb/CustomScripts'"
filter="*.js" content-storage="embedded"/>
In this case, the file content will be gzipped and embedded inside the
XoomXML file as Base64-encoded string.
Two new parameters in
XoomParams.xml control behaviour related to content transport:
Table 1.
Xoom parameters: File content transportParameter |
Description |
Takes values |
Default |
Xoom release |
Xoom.FileTweaky.AllowWriteToSpecialFolder.Windows |
Specifies whether or not Xoom will attempt to write to the Windows
folder. |
true/false |
false |
3.10 |
Xoom.FileTweaky.ContentStorage.Embedded.MaximumFileSize |
Specifies the maximum size in bytes of a file that Xoom will attempt to embed
for transport. |
Bytes. |
1048576 (1MB) |
3.10 |
There is also a new calculated parameter
Product.W6.RootDirectory in addition to
Product.W6.BinDirectory that makes the expression of various
Service Optimization-related paths
more concise.
Reports and transformations
The following
transformations have been added:
- ExtractMobileWebTemplateEventsForXoomSet takes a specified ClickMobile web client
template from the source configuration (parameter FromTemplate), and copies the specified events definitions (parameter EventNames) to a number of other specified templates
(parameter ToTemplates).
- ExtractMobileWebTemplateFormsForXoomSet takes a specified ClickMobile web client
template from the source configuration (parameter FromTemplate), and copies the specified forms (parameter ObjectTypes) to a number of other specified templates
(parameter ToTemplates).
- ExtractMobileWebTemplatePropertiesForXoomSet takes a specified ClickMobile web
client template from the source configuration (parameter FromTemplate), and copies additional properties for the
specified Objects (parameter ObjectTypes) to a
number of other specified templates (parameter ToTemplates).
- ExtractMobileWebTemplateFormsPropertiesEventsForXoomSet takes a specified
ClickMobile web client template from the source configuration
(parameter FromTemplate), and copies the specified
forms (parameter FormTypes), additional
Properties for the specified Objects (parameter AdditionalPropertiesTypes) and event definitions (parameter EventNames) to a number of other specified templates
(parameter ToTemplates). In other words, this
transformation essentially brings the previous three transformations
into one. As far as forms are concerned, there is a subtle difference between this
transformation and ExtractMobileWebTemplateFormsForXoomSet: while this
transformation creates a single entry for all Settings associated with
all the forms (including sub-forms) associated with each Object,
ExtractMobileWebTemplateFormsForXoomSet creates a separate xoom:set entry for each form and doesn’t include top-level form Settings.
The two transformations should therefore be used according to the desired
degree of granularity.
- ExtractScheduleTemplateFormsForXoomSet takes a specified ClickSchedule web client
template from the source configuration (parameter FromTemplate), and copies the specified forms (parameter ObjectTypes) to a number of other specified templates
(parameter ToTemplates).
- ExtractOutgoingMessagesForXoomSet and ExtractOutgoingMessagesByNameForXoomSet both result
in XoomXML that extracts outgoing messages in separate xoom:set instructions for easy manual editing of the messages that should be
supported. The difference between the two is that the former uses name, event and
destination in order to identify different messages, while the latter uses just the
name. In both cases, an index is added to distinguish between multiple messages that
match the same identifying criteria, as identity of messages is not unique in
Service Optimization.
Rules report and Objectives report have been rewritten from scratch. The new
versions are much better able to represent configuration of Rule and
Objective types that weren’t encountered before and hence don’t have special
handling. The reports' appearance has also been redesigned.
DecorateWithAliases transformation has been restructured in order to make it usable in a more
modular way, such as for example through import from another transformation where the alias
decoration should be part of the overall process. Ultimately, this will make it much easier
to write new reports and transformations where references need to be followed
between items.
Xoom Corpus Generator and Diagnostic Snapshot
Xoom Corpus Generator now captures more information about the
Service Optimization system that is being captured in order
to make it easier to advise new customers without requesting additional data. The
information that was added to the capture is:
- the measurement of the sizes of each collection’s database table
- the full data of all Collections with fewer than 1,000 items.
- the information from each virtual Collection (known as configurations in
ClickSoftware language).
Xoom Corpus Generator and
Diagnostic Snapshot now also use SQLite tables for
corpus data
instead of XML, which makes their memory footprint dramatically smaller and enables the
capture of larger and more complex
Enhanced scripting capabilities for Service Optimization
We added the capability to interrogate and control the state of ClickSoftware servers connected to
a Xoom server. This is implemented using a new
Windows PowerShell CmdLet called Invoke-W6ServerStateOperation. The CmdLet is self-documenting in
the standard
Windows PowerShell way, and allows all or specific servers to be locked,
unlocked, started or stopped.
We have also added the capability to temporarily stop and later restart the
ClickMobile syncing using a script. Being able to do that is particularly important
during production deployments where Dictionary changes are performed on a
system with many ClickMobile clients. In such systems, Dictionary changes
can be extremely slow and often lead to timeouts due to the need to repeatedly synchronize
those changes to ClickMobile clients.
Instead, the new script StopClickMobileDictionarySync can be
used to stop the syncing for all ClickMobile templates, while saving the
syncronisation configuration for later. Once the Dictionary changes have
been deployed, RestartClickMobileDictionarySync
script is used to restore the synchronisation configuration, resulting in a single
sync for all clients in which all updates are synchronised at once.
- The types where keys are references to items of other
types (themselves possibly having nested references within their keys)
are now handled correctly, whether or not those references are empty. Previously,
those items' keys weren’t fully interpreted, and hence the transport of those
items could fail when different keys of the referenced items
were used on different systems.
- References can now be declared without explicit IDs (i.e. using default keys for
whatever the targeted type happens to be) even when secondary keys are defined.
This enables more concise declarations, and eliminates a common cause of errors in the
knowledge base.
- Reference interpretations now take optional attributes neutral-values (defaults to empty and -1) and neutral-values-separator (defaults to comma) as
parameters. This makes identifying cases where references shouldn’t be
interpreted much cleaner and more powerful.
- Fixed a bug that caused some templates, in particular ClickMobile “Web
Administrative Settings” to be excluded from configuration along with client
User Settings. (The workaround was to include all client User Settings, but
that is obviously not an ideal situation.)
- New interpretations and corrections to erroneous interpretations were added to the
knowledge base, as well as a few additional convenience types.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements in error messages.